Advanced Certificate in Software Development 6M0691
This one year Software Development course gives students who have already achieved a QQI Level 5 Certificate in Software Development, Computer Systems & Networks or qualifications from an IT related area the opportunity to further enhance their skills. There is a growing need and demand for qualified IT professionals. This course will give you the skills, knowledge and competence required in the software development and design sector. The course enables students to develop their pre-existing IT and Software Development skills to an excellent standard. It develops students' ability to apply their learning from this programme to the world of work and employment. The course also assists the learner to become knowledgeable and fluent in the language of IT specialist software prgramming. This is a full-time one-year course and runs from September to May.
6N4090 Project Management
6N2108 Object Oriented Programming
6N1449 Software Architecture
6N0736 Graphical User Interface Programming
6N2191 Leadership
6N1946 Work Experience
6N3395 Mathematics
6N4785 Relational Database
6N0734 Mobile Technologies
QQI Level 6 Award in Advanced Certificate in Software Development 6M0691
Leaving Certificate or Equivalent
Pre admission guidance meeting
QQI Level 5 Award in an IT based award area
Student Contribution: €175
Please note: Additional charges may apply. Details TBC.
Graduates may gain employment in the vast number of IT and Software Development areas locally, nationally or internationally. Recruits in this area are constantly being sought for their valuable and transferable IT skills.
Progression to Third Level
- Students have gained entry into 2nd year of software and computer related courses via direct entry applications to ATU at Level 7/8
Students who successfully complete the course may gain entry to Third Level Institutes and Colleges through the Higher Education Links Scheme.
For more information on third level progression links, visit:
- CAO - Course Search
- Careers Portal - QQI Graduate Course Finder
Instructional video on using Careers Portal to find a course
If you require further information on progression pathways from this course email:
Full-time registered students of GTI may access a range of adult education courses at a reduced fee.
Students may have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ Placement during the academic year (subject to funding through the Lifelong Learning Programme by Léargas).
GTI reserves the right to make changes in any course, to limit the number of places available or to withdraw a course. No part of this information shall be deemed to form a contract between the Institute and a student or third party.