Course Name: Fine Art Drawing Techniques for Beginners
Award: Certificate of Attendance (on request).
Course Overview:
This course is suitable for people who really want to try out fine art drawing and see what it’s all about. We learn to draw by sharpening our observational skills and by practicing to represent the world as we see it. You will learn to understand the basic drawing concepts of measurement, perspective, positive/negative spaces as well as learning how to fill you line drawings with light and dark (tone) and by doing so create the illusion of 3-D on a 2-D surface. You will explore how light casts a shadow and affects the value in a drawing subject.
You will also try out drawing in different media eg. Pencil, Charcoal, Indian Ink, Pastels etc.
You will learn to appreciate the meditative experience of drawing and be amazed by how we all have our own unique understanding of our environment and how this shows so beautifully in the practice of drawing. All students learn from each other as well as from the tutor in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Course Content: