Further Education

Further Education 2025-2026

Emergency Care Services 5M4468

This one year course Emergency Care Services course provides learners with the foundation knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in the emergency services. The course is designed to introduce you to the challenges and opportunities of working in emergency frontline public services. Careers such as Paramedic, Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate Care Operative, Emergency Call Operative and Fire Services will be introduced to you and help you prepare for further study in this area. This is a full-time one-year course and runs from September to May.

Course Content
  • Emergency Department Care Skills 5N4890
  • Care Provision & Practice 5N2705
  • Infection Prevention and Control 5N3734
  • Care of the Older Person 5N2706
  • Anatomy & Physiology 5N0749
  • Safety and Health at Work 5N1794
  • Word Processing 5N1358
  • Communications 5N0690
  • Work Experience 5N1356

  • Opportunity to apply for Erasmus+ work placement

  • QQI Level 5 Award: Community Health Services

  • QQI Code: 5M4468


  • First Aid Responder(FAR) certified by PHECC
  • Patient Moving & Manual Handling
  • ECG Skills

Additional costs may apply. Check with class teacher for details.


  • Emergency First Responder (EFR) Cost: €400

This course is offered in conjunction with Lifeline Education and is Pre- Hospital Emergency Care Council ( PHECC ) certified. Fee is subject to change.

Entry Requirements
  • Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied, or equivalent.
  • Pre-entry guidance meeting
  • Mature applicants welcome
  • At registration students will be requested to complete the necessary documentation in order to complete a successful garda vetting process. Garda clearance is a mandatory requirement for work placement

Student Contribution: €175

Please note: Additional charges may apply. Details TBC.


Graduates of this course can apply through the CAO or the Higher Education Links Scheme to pursue higher and advanced certificate or degree programmes at National Institutes of Technology, Technological Universities, and Universities.

  • This course is linked to Paramedic Degree courses at third level colleges in Ireland. The number of places available may be limited. Applicants should verify specific linked awards and eligibility criteria with the respective Higher Education Institution.

Career Examples: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) National Ambulance Service, Healthcare

University Progression Examples:

Graduates have also progressed to paramedic degree courses (subject to CAO criteria) and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) courses with private colleges.

For more information on third level progression links, visit:

Adult and Part-Time Education

Full-time registered students of GTI may access a range of adult education courses at a reduced fee.


Students may have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ Placement during the academic year (subject to funding through the Lifelong Learning Programme by Léargas).

Student Testimonials

Laura Canty

The course was a chance for me to mature, meet new people and broaden my opportunities. I received a student award from GRETB and also gained a full QQI Level 5 award. On completion of the course I was offered a place on the Paramedic Science degree at Anglia Ruskin University in the UK.

I received training with the London Ambulance Service as part of my three years of study and worked with this service for two years. I work now as a paramedic in New Zealand. I hope to return home to apply for jobs as a fully qualified paramedic. My dream has been realised because I studied to GTI.

Please Note

GTI reserves the right to make changes in any course, to limit the number of places available or to withdraw a course. No part of this information shall be deemed to form a contract between the Institute and a student or third party


