Games Development and Design (Creative Media) 5M5048
This course was developed to help you to create a portfolio of work that will kick start your career in the exciting games industry. Learn how to apply your creative ideas and develop your technical skills by building 3D games and content in this exciting creative media course. This course provides a broad introduction to the various roles in the games industry by covering topics such as 3D Game Engines, Level Design, 3D Modelling and Animation, Digital Video Production and Computer Coding.
- Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied, or equivalent
- Pre-entry guidance meeting
- Mature Applicants Welcome
Games Analysis Design 5N1651
Image Processing 5N1292
Desktop Multimedia Audio Production 5N2148
3D Computer Graphics 5N5029
Multimedia Authoring 5N1299
Digital Movie Processing 5N1605
Object Oriented Programming 5N0541
Communications 5N0690
Work Experience 5N1356
Learners may also have the opportunity to study Maths.
This course leads to a QQI Level 5 certification in Creative Media (5M5048)
On this course you will be introduced to industry standard tools and will be guided through a series of exercises that will enable you to build content and develop a portfolio of your own creative work.
A modern laptop or desktop computer with a mid range processor (e.g. 9th or 10th generation Intel i5 or M1MC) and broadband internet access is recommended to participants of this course.
*(GA 284) BA in Design (Game Design Option)
*(GA 755) BSC in Computing in Software Development
*(GA 281) Film and Documentary
*(LC418) Computing - Games Design and Development
*(LC517) Creative Media and Design
*(LC234) Interactive Digital Media
*(LC518) Digital Animation Production
Student Contribution: €175
Please note: Additional charges may apply. Details TBC.
This is a full-time one-year course and runs from September to May
GTI reserves the right to make changes in any course, to limit the number of places available or to withdraw a course. No part of this information shall be deemed to form a contract between the Institute and a student or third party.